How-to guides

How to extend existing plugins

Existing plugins can be extended through two type of class mixins. djangocms-frontend looks for these mixins in two places:

  1. In the theme module. Its name is specified by the setting DJANGOCMS_FRONTEND_THEME and defaults to djangocms_frontend. For a theme app called theme and the bootstrap5 framework this would be

  2. In djangocms_frontend.contrib.*app*.frontends.*framework*.py. For the alert app and the bootstrap5 framework this would be

Both mixins are included if they exist and all methods have to call the super methods to ensure all form extensions and render functionalities are processed.

The theme module is primarily thought to allow for third party extensions in terms of functionality and/or design.

The framework module is primarily thought to allow for adaptation of djangocms-frontend to other css frameworks besides Bootstrap 5.


The render mixins are called “PluginName RenderMixin”, e.g. AlertRenderMixin and are applied to the plugin class. This allows for the redefinition of the CMSPlugin.render method, especially to prepare the context for rendering.

In addition it allows the definition of CMSPlugin.get_fieldsets it allows for extension or change of the plugin’s admin form. The admin form is used to edit or create a plugin.


Form mixins are used to add fields to a plugin’s admin form. These fields are available to the render mixins and, of course, to the plugin templates.

Working example

Let’s say you wanted to extend the GridContainerPlugin to offer the option for a background color, a background image, some transparency and say a blur effect.

First, you add some fields to the GridContainerForm (in theme.forms):

from django.db.models import ManyToOneRel
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from djangocms_frontend.fields import ColoredButtonGroup
from filer.fields.image import AdminImageFormField, FilerImageField
from filer.models import Image

from djangocms_frontend import settings
from entangled.forms import EntangledModelFormMixin

class GridContainerFormMixin(EntangledModelFormMixin):
    class Meta:
        entangled_fields = {
            "config": [

    container_context = forms.ChoiceField(
        label=_("Background context"),
        choices=settings.EMPTY_CHOICE + settings.COLOR_STYLE_CHOICES,
        help_text=_("Covers image."),
    container_opacity = forms.IntegerField(
        widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=dict(type="range", min=0, max=100)),
        help_text=_("Opacity of container background (left: transparent, right: opaque).")
    container_image = AdminImageFormField(
        rel=ManyToOneRel(FilerImageField, Image, "id"),
        help_text=_("If provided used as a cover for container."),
    image_position = forms.ChoiceField(
        choices=settings.EMPTY_CHOICE + settings.IMAGE_POSITIONING,
        label=_("Background image position"),

Then, add a GridContainerMixin in theme.bootstrap5:

from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from djangocms_frontend.helpers import insert_fields

class GridContainerRenderMixin:
    def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
        if getattr(instance, "container_image", None):
            context["add_classes"] = "imagecontainer"
            context["bg_color"] = f"bg-{instance.container_context}" if getattr(instance, "container_context", False) else ""
            context["add_classes"] = f"bg-{instance.container_context}" if getattr(instance, "container_context", False) else ""
            context["bg_color"] = False
        return super().render(context, instance, placeholder)

    def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None):
        return insert_fields(self.fieldsets, (
                    ("image_position", "container_opacity", ),
                ), block=None, position=1, blockname=_("Background"))

The render method provides required context data for the extended functionality. In this case it adds “imagecontainer” to the list of classes for the container, processes the background colors, as well as opacity and blur.

The get_fieldsets methed is used to make Django-CMS show the new form fields in the plugin’s edit modal (admin form, technically speaking).

Lastly, a new template is needed (in "djangocms_frontend/bootstrap5/grid_container.html"):

{% load cms_tags %}{% spaceless %}
    <{{ instance.tag_type }}{{ instance.get_attributes }}
        {% if instance.container_opacity and not instance.image %}
            style="opacity: {{ instance.container_opacity }}%;
                {% if instance.container_blur %}backdrop-filter: blur({{ instance.container_blur }}px);
            {% endif %}"
        {% endif %}
      {% if instance.image %}
        <div class="image"
            style="background-image: url('{{ instance.image.url }}');
                   background-position: {{ instance.image_position|default:'center center' }};
                   background-repeat: no-repeat;
                   background-size: cover;
                   {% if instance.container_blur %} filter: blur({{instance.container_blur}}px);{% endif %}">
      {% elif instance.container_image %}
        <div class="image placeholder placeholder-wave"></div>
      {% endif %}
      {% if and instance.image %}
        <video class="image" playsinline autoplay muted loop>
          <source src="{{ }}" media="screen and (min-width:768px)">
      {% endif %}
      {% if bg_color %}<div class="cover {{bg_color}}"{% if instance.container_opacity %} style="opacity: {{ instance.container_opacity }}%"{% endif %}></div>{% endif %}
      {% if "imagecontainer" in add_classes %}<div class="content">{% endif %}
        {% for plugin in instance.child_plugin_instances %}
            {% render_plugin plugin %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% if "imagecontainer" in add_classes %}</div>{% endif %}
    </{{ instance.tag_type }}>
{% endspaceless %}

With these three additions, all grid container plugins will now have additional fields to define abckground images to cover the container area.

If the theme is taken out of the path djangocms-frontend will fall back to its basic functionality, i.e. the background images will not be shown. As long as plugins are not edited the background image information will be preserved.

How to create a theme app

djangocms-frontend is designed to be “themable”. A theme typically will do one or more of the following:

  • Style the appearance using css

  • Extend standard plugins

  • Add custom plugins

How to add the tab editing style to my other plugins

If you prefer the tabbed frontend editing style of djangocms-frontend you can easily add it to your own plugins.

If you use the standard editing form, just add a line specifying the change_form_template to your plugin class:

class MyCoolPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
    change_form_template = "djangocms_frontend/admin/base.html"

If you already have your own change_form_template, make sure it extends djangocms_frontend/admin/base.html:

{% extends "djangocms_frontend/admin/base.html" %}
{% block ...%}
{% endblock %}